Tuesday, March 21, 2006


After a short 5 days in New York where Sylvia visited her friend Stella, she is back and getting ready for our return. We have 2 weeks left in Florida before our departure on April 3 when we will be going to Alabama to visit our friends Skip and Jill for just 2 days. On April 6 we will be flying to Brussels, will be picking up our car in Cambrai to travel south for a while. We will be meeting our Dutch friends in Valence and will travel with them on ther boat as far as Marseille. We are so looking forward to that trip. Upon our return to the continent, we will be looking for future locations for winter mooring in the south before returning to Cambrai. This year we will have visitors pretty much every month until October. We look forward to seeing all of them and to having them on our boat with us.