After Richard and Debbie's visit, we had the opportunity to go to Talladega, Alabama on Juan Pablo's plane, which by itself was a fabulous experience. We flew out of Boca Raton with Connie and the children and stopped in Orlando to pick up Juan Pablo and continue on to Talladega. The airport is adjacent to the track, so it was easy and convenient for all of us. That weekend they were to stay in their new motor home at the track. Connie and Juancho were very anxious to see how it had turned out, so we drove immediately to it. They were very pleased with the way it turned out. It is spacious and beautiful--much better and prettier than their prior one.
When we got there, our friends Skip and Jill from California, who have in the last couple of years been living in Alabama, were there to meet us. We stayed with them at their house about 45 miles from the track. Even though it was Wednesday before, there were already hundreds of campers and motor homes along the highway ready to participate in this event. On race day there were over 200,000 people at the track. This is one of the great NASCAR events of the year.
We had a chance to take Pablo and Libia to Skip and Jill's home in Rainbow City and to have a fabulous southern barbecue meal on their deck over the River Coosa, quite a spot! We also took a boat ride, motorcycle rides, and even golf cart rides. It was great being with them although it was short. At the track Libia and I spent a great deal of time with the children and enjoyed watching Sebastian, 2 years old learn to ride a bicycle. All the NASCAR tracks have parks for the children of crew and drivers in the area where the motor homes are. Both Paulina and Sebastian love going to the park. As far as the races went, Juan Pablo finished 7 in the Busch race and quite far back in the Nextel Cup race. All and all, a great time was had by all, and soon after it was over, we flew back to Boca Raton and drove to Miami from there.
The next couple of weeks have been spent doing some shopping and having a lot of medical exams done. Unfortunately all the appointments were given to us during one week, so it has been rather intense, especially for me. So far, all is good, no problems. A nice break was Mother's Day at Connie and Juan Pablo's apartment. They had just had their terrace done, so they had a Mother's Day party for the mothers in the family. The view from the top of their building is breathtaking and the decoration as well as the food, superb. Juancho arrived at 7:30 pm coming back from a race, just in time for a beautiful sunset and a good time with Sebastian in the Jacuzzi. We all gave each other little gifts and had a wonderful time.
Pablo and Libia left for Bogota last Tuesday, and we are getting ready to leave this coming one, and in view of the fact that I will not see the children until next winter, I spent the afternoon with them yesterday. Katalina brought Valentina today so we could say good bye. I hate leaving these beautiful babies, to whom I have become so attached. This evening and tomorrow morning we will be packing, and in the afternoon we will go to the beach with Stella and friends. On Tuesday our plane leaves for Bogota at 5:00 pm. We shall be staying at my sister's house until Saturday morning, when we will be driving to the coffee growing region of Colombia to my brother's ranch where the whole family will be gathered for my mom's 90 birthday celebration. We are very much looking forward to being together again and sharing some good family times. We return to Bogota on Monday and fly back to Europe on Tuesday.
We plan to start cruising right away, so be sure to check the blog for future European adventure posts.

About to board plane

Libia and Sylvia

With Paulina during flight

With Skip and Jill at The Ark

Skip and Jill's house in background

Team members and Sebastian

Sebastian before race

Quite the crowd!

Sunrise at Skip and Jill's

The Montoya family