Alex and Linda
Soon after Sylvia and Laurent's departure, our friends Alex and Linda came for a visit. They live in New York, and they had been in Barcelona and surroundings before coming to see us. The day they arrived in Le Somail, where they would be meeting us, we were in Narbonne. It should have not taken us more than 3 hours to come up the cnal de la Robine, but there was a lot of traffic that day and the locks were slow. We got to our destination in the middle of the afternoon to find Alex and Linda already there. It was so good to see them again! They had been to Cambrai to see us before the boat was inhabitable, so they saw it under construction. Two years ago, Linda and her sister Dianne, came to visit when we were on the Nivernais. This time Alex got a chance to travel on Biesbosch and even went down a lock so he could have the experience. Although their visit was short, it was a wonderful experience for all of us. They were such wonderful guests and so easygoing! Linda and I had a chance to do a lot of catching up and Bill and Alex got to know each other better and to find out they have a lot in common. As usual, we did a lot of good eating, and Alex cooked a wonderful pasta dinner for us one evening. As usual, we were sad to see them go, but we look forward to getting together with them soon whether in New York, Miami or back on Biesbosch.

On the dock at Le Somail

A Natural

One of our favorite spots on The Midi

Just love them.

Notice the coypu among the ducks ( lower right )
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